Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Our Night Weaning Journey: Night 4

We survived the transition into the second set of 3 nights! It actually went quite well!

She went to bed fairly easy and Cody went to bed about half an hour before her, so I got a nice evening to myself. I didn't even let myself clean haha. The dogs woke her up around 9:30, but she went back to sleep quickly at the breast.  I went to bed at about 10:30. When she woke me up, I was shocked to see that it was around 5:10am. She has never slept that long without waking. Ever. She wanted to nurse and got a little upset and smacked away the cup of water I offered, but once she calmed down and I told her she only had to sleep a little more before she could have 'boobie' she went back to sleep. It probably took maybe 15 minutes. Maybe. She woke up again around 6:30 (I only glanced at the clock.), nursed, and went back to sleep until approximately 7:45.

It. Was. Glorious.

I woke up feeling refreshed and happy, and it was obvious that she was in a better mood too. We woke up smiling and giggling with each other, then went downstairs for breakfast.

I thought that last night would be the worst night, but maybe these next three nights wont be so bad after all?

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